EPI News

EPI News 2/17/2017


New Jersey public school teachers face an almost 17 percent pay penalty

In a new report, EPI Research Associate Jeffrey Keefe finds that public school teachers earn 17 percent less in weekly wages and 12.5 percent less in weekly compensation (wages and benefits) than other similarly educated full-time workers in New Jersey, when controlling for factors such as experience, gender, ethnicity, and weeks worked. But New Jersey public school teachers do benefit from smaller gender and racial wage gaps, he notes.


Andrew Puzder withdraws nomination for labor secretary

On February 15, President Trump’s first nominee for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, withdrew from consideration. EPI’s Heidi Shierholz  made the case that Puzder’s withdrawal was a victory for working people. “Americans need a labor secretary who respects the rule of law, who will work to raise wages and uphold basic labor protections like the minimum wage, paid leave, safe workplaces, and overtime pay,” Shierholz said.