State of Working America Data (Current Edition)

The State of Working America, an ongoing analysis published since 1988 by EPI, includes a wide variety of data on family incomes, wages, jobs, unemployment, wealth, and poverty that allow for a clear, unbiased understanding of the economy’s effect on the living standards of working Americans.

2008/2009 Edition

Download individual tables in Microsoft Excel (.xls) or Zip (.zip) format below:


  • Unemployment rate by age, January 1948 to July 2009
    [zip] [xls]
  • Part-time employment as a percent of total employment, January 1973 to August 2008
    [zip] [xls]
  • Employment rates by gender (persons age 25-54), 1979-2008q1
    [zip] [xls]
  • Long-term unemployed as a share of unemployed, and the unemployment rate, 1979 to 2008q2
    [zip] [xls]
  • Unemployment rate, January 1948 to August 2008
    [zip] [xls]
  • Gross Job gains and losses, 1990q2 to 2007q4
    [zip] [xls]
  • Labor force and total non-farm employment, 1979-August 2008
    [zip] [xls]

Wage and Compensation Trends

  • Real and current values of the minimum wage, 1960-2007
    [zip] [xls]
  • Share of all workers earning poverty-level hourly wages, 1973-2007
    [zip] [xls]
  • Dimensions of wage inequality, log wage differentials, 1973-2007
    [zip] [xls]
  • Hourly wage decile cutoffs for all workers, 1973-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Hourly wage decile cutoffs for male workers, 1973-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Hourly wage decile cutoffs for female workers, 1973-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Hourly and weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory workers, 1947-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Real hourly wage for all by education, 1973-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Men’s real hourly wage by education, 1973-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Women’s real hourly wage by education, 1973-2007 (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers (25 years and older), annual averages (2007 dollars)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Estimated wage premium for college and high school graduates, 1973-2007
    [zip] [xls]
  • Productivity and median and average compensation, 1973-2007
    [zip] [xls]
  • Decomposition of total and within-group wage inequality, 1973-2007
    [zip] [xls]
  • Change in private sector employer-provided health insurance coverage, 1979-2006
    [zip] [xls]
  • Change in private sector employer-provided pension insurance coverage, 1979-2006
    [zip] [xls]


  • Consumer price index — all urban consumers (CPI-U) (1982-84=100)
    [zip] [xls]
  • Consumer price index research series using current methods (CPI-U-RS), (1977=100)
    [zip] [xls]

Archived data: View and print all tables from The State of Working America 2006/2007 in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Microsoft Excel (xls) format.