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Overview • Read the report

Summary: Teachers are paid less (in weekly wages and total compensation) than their nonteacher college-educated counterparts, and the situation has worsened considerably over time. The latest data show the teacher pay penalty to be worse than ever, with teachers making an average of 23.5% less than their peers, after adjusting for other professional qualifications and demographics.

Key findings

  • Inflation-adjusted average weekly wages of teachers have been relatively flat since 1996. The average weekly wages of public school teachers (adjusted only for inflation) increased just $29 from 1996 to 2021, from $1,319 to $1,348 (in 2021 dollars). In contrast, inflation-adjusted weekly wages of other college graduates rose from $1,564 to $2,009 over the same period—a $445 increase.
  • The relative teacher wage penalty grew to a record high in 2021. It was 23.5% in 2021, up from 6.1% in 1996. The penalty for men rose from 15.1% to 35.2% over that period. Women had a negligible wage penalty of 0.1% in 1996 but faced a wage penalty of 17.1% in 2021.
  • The benefits advantage for teachers has not been enough to offset the growing wage penalty. The teacher total compensation penalty was 14.2% in 2021 (a 23.5% wage penalty offset by a 9.3% benefits advantage). The bottom line is that the teacher total compensation penalty grew by 11.5 percentage points from 1993 to 2021. 
  • The relative teacher wage penalty exceeds 20% in 28 states. Teacher weekly wage penalties estimated for each state range from 3.4% in Rhode Island to 35.9% in Colorado. In 28 states, teachers are paid less than 80 cents on the dollar earned by similar college-educated workers in those states.

Why this matters

Teachers are paid less (in weekly wages and total compensation) than their nonteacher college-educated counterparts, and the situation has worsened considerably over time. The latest data show the teacher pay penalty to be worse than ever, with teachers making an average of 23.5% less than their peers, after adjusting for other professional qualifications and demographics.

How to fix it

Teachers are paid less (in weekly wages and total compensation) than their nonteacher college-educated counterparts, and the situation has worsened considerably over time. The latest data show the teacher pay penalty to be worse than ever, with teachers making an average of 23.5% less than their peers, after adjusting for other professional qualifications and demographics.


Key data

How underpaid are teachers in your state?

State Teacher weekly pay penalty
Colorado -35.9%
Oklahoma -32.8%
Virginia -32.7%
Arizona -32.0%
Alabama -30.6%
Oregon -29.4%
Washington -29.1%
Missouri -28.3%
Louisiana -27.8%
New Mexico -27.4%
Georgia -26.8%
Minnesota -25.9%
Idaho -25.2%
Kentucky -24.7%
North Carolina -24.5%
Maine -24.0%
Tennessee -23.8%
Illinois -23.4%
Kansas -22.6%
Utah -22.5%
Wisconsin -22.2%
Texas -21.5%
Indiana -21.4%
Nebraska -20.7%
Arkansas -20.5%
Massachusetts -20.5%
Nevada -20.4%
Maryland -20.3%
New Hampshire -19.9%
Florida -19.6%
West Virginia -19.2%
District of Columbia -19.0%
Michigan -18.4%
South Dakota -17.9%
North Dakota -17.8%
California -17.6%
Connecticut -17.1%
Montana -17.0%
Iowa -16.3%
Hawaii -15.5%
Pennsylvania -15.2%
Alaska -14.9%
Mississippi -14.7%
Ohio -14.4%
Vermont -13.6%
New York -13.2%
Delaware -10.9%
South Carolina -8.3%
New Jersey -4.5%
Wyoming -4.0%
Rhode Island -3.4%
How underpaid are teachers in your state?
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Figure reports state-specific regression-adjusted teacher weekly wage penalties: how much less, in percentage terms, public school teachers (elementary, middle, and secondary) earn in weekly wages relative to their college-educated, nonteaching peers. College-educated workers refers to workers who have a bachelor’s degree or more education. The dependent variable is (log) weekly wages with indicator controls on public school teacher, public school teacher interacted with each state (relevant estimate), private school teacher, gender, and married, along with indicator sets on education (M.A., professional degree, Ph.D.) and race/ethnicity (Black, Hispanic, other); also included are age as a quartic, state fixed effects. See Allegretto and Mishel 2019, Appendix A, for more details on data and methodology.

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Key numbers

76¢Avg. teacher pay per dollar made by non-teacher counterpart
28Number of states in where teachers are paid less than 80 cents on the dollar

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Phasellus arcu nunc, porta et gravida id, iaculis ac sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tempor nunc et turpis bibendum mattis. Aliquam mattis quam at turpis suscipit feugiat. Ut venenatis semper urna quis aliquam. Duis efficitur elit facilisis lacus condimentum, vel gravida velit egestas. Phasellus condimentum, libero sit amet aliquet dignissim, metus purus scelerisque purus, a imperdiet odio sapien non lacus. Aliquam bibendum sem et ex commodo, in pulvinar tortor rutrum. Suspendisse feugiat vel ante gravida tempus. Phasellus at imperdiet urna. Donec vel purus sit amet justo hendrerit porta.

Vestibulum porta, mauris at iaculis semper, justo felis lacinia enim, tempor maximus ipsum lorem in tellus. Donec accumsan auctor sem eu vestibulum. Morbi sapien justo, facilisis sed lacus vitae, mollis pulvinar quam. Nam gravida sagittis arcu, ac tincidunt justo viverra eu. Etiam eleifend, magna eget accumsan convallis, nisl odio viverra ante, nec tempor nunc magna non ante. Nunc in enim blandit, rutrum enim id, sollicitudin tellus. In efficitur, tellus vitae porttitor viverra, ligula neque tempus diam, eget consectetur enim ligula ut lectus. Integer augue lacus, sodales in libero vel, sodales facilisis magna. Integer aliquam, sem congue finibus aliquam, eros eros ultrices enim, vitae cursus nunc nunc sed leo. Cras sollicitudin fermentum bibendum. Donec convallis pulvinar ligula et convallis. Duis rutrum diam eget auctor lacinia. Morbi sed dictum tellus. Donec odio nibh, efficitur vel nunc id, ornare condimentum massa.

Morbi faucibus diam odio, a suscipit neque cursus ut. Cras est eros, vehicula eu leo viverra, finibus cursus arcu. In vestibulum lobortis libero a pellentesque. Etiam pulvinar porttitor neque non lacinia. Sed id sodales neque, vitae ornare lorem. Vivamus scelerisque enim vel rutrum feugiat. Sed pulvinar neque et tincidunt tristique. Vestibulum eu elit massa. Quisque dignissim lectus diam, nec aliquam ligula malesuada vitae. Vivamus feugiat massa rhoncus ligula venenatis, sed tempus ipsum volutpat. Nullam nec congue velit, id facilisis arcu. Nunc sed congue justo. Vivamus tincidunt odio vitae tincidunt tincidunt. Aliquam congue lacinia hendrerit.

Sed mollis leo blandit nisi laoreet, sed dapibus justo finibus. Pellentesque a faucibus nibh, eget lacinia tellus. Vivamus turpis enim, pellentesque nec euismod ut, molestie non tellus. Sed mauris ligula, consectetur at metus quis, varius gravida velit. Aliquam posuere gravida orci. Proin at dolor vitae nunc vestibulum dapibus. Maecenas lacus libero, pretium eu ex sit amet, pretium lacinia odio. Quisque molestie, turpis non mattis porttitor, massa augue sodales turpis, eget egestas lectus felis eu orci. Nullam at purus purus. Fusce ornare auctor velit a varius. Aliquam lacinia ipsum vitae auctor porttitor. Duis id sollicitudin mauris, ut rhoncus nulla. Proin nec bibendum diam. Quisque pharetra elementum odio luctus molestie. Cras et gravida nisi.